Learn how to Learn

Watch and Learn

Dr. Stephen Chew demonstrates effective learning strategies to help people learn best and improve your effectiveness with the time you spend in study. "Deep Processing" is a key technique in being able to learn better and remember more of what you study.

If you do not see the video, please click on the link to view it in a new window or tab (you will leave this page):

How to get the most out of studying

Top Tips to Be a Better Learner

  1. Learn Deeply -When you engage deeply and learn deeply – learning sticks!
  2. Don’t Multitask - Focus on one thing at a time when studying or learning.
  3. Make Meaningful Connections - Create stories to help you remember.
  4. Make Learning Personal
  5. Determine Distinctiveness
  6. Practice Appropriate Retrieval and Application 

Strategies to Help You Be a Successful Student: Learning and Studying Tips

Enhance your Learning

Visual note-taking can enhance your memory and retention of information because you have access to multiple cues, which helps with recall.

If you do not see the video, please click on the link to view it in a new window or tab (you will leave this page):

Visual Note-taking

Enhance your Wellness

Practice focusing your attention in a nonjudgmental way through mindfulness. To improve your mind’s flexibility and adaptability, build your well-being and promote harmony in your relationships, try the Wheel of Awareness practice from Dr. Dan Siegel.

See Dr. Dan Siegel - Wheel of Awareness.

For more information, see VIU Health and Wellness Resources.

Be a Better Learner

Be a Better Learner

Thinking and learning differently to be a successful student

Value for Me?

When you have brain-researched focused learning and studying tips – your marks will be better and you’ll learn faster.

Technology Integration

Use a Mind Map - Mind maps can help connect ideas.

This Exam Time website contains ideas about how to use a mind map

Try it yourself: